Manage Job Search Options

These instructions apply to all job search management options even though the individual options vary by type.

To manage the Job Search options:

In the Job Search section of the Recruiting tab, click for the options you want to edit.

  1. Edit the following options.
    • Enable Search Options: If disabled, the ability to search for a job will not be shown. Only the option to View All Jobs will be available to the job seeker.

    • Enable Advanced Search: If disabled, the ability to use the advanced job search form will not be shown.

    • Enable Position Search: This determines whether or not the option to search by position is displayed.

      This option is available only if the Hourly Portal is enabled.

    • Enable Quick Search: If disabled, the short job search form will not be shown.

    • Enable Location/Proximity Search: This determines whether or not the option to search by location/proximity is displayed.

      This option is available only if the Hourly Portal is enabled.

    • Default Search: This determines whether Quick Searches or Advanced Search is the default search option for the job seeker.

    • Radius Default: This allows you to select a default value to display when an employee searches for a job using distance as a factor.

      This option is not available for External Job Search Options.

    • Require Login: This indicates whether the job seeker must log in or create an account before being allowed to search for jobs.

    • Keyword Fields: This field contains four available options. If none are selected, the keyword search field is not displayed in the résumé search form.

    • Advanced Search Fields: To add a field to the search form, drag the field from the Available Fields area to the Selected Fields area.

      Repeat this with all of the fields you wish to include.

      To place the columns in the order you want them to display in the form, drag them up or down to the desired position.

      To remove a field, drag it back into the Available Fields area.

    • Quick Search Fields: This allows you to add fields to the quick search form.

      You configure these fields the same way as the Advanced Search Fields.

    • Allowed Groups: This allows you to select which Groups have access to search for jobs. For example, the group selected for the External Job Search Options would be the External Job Seekers whereas the group selected for the Internal Job Search Options would be those users who are considered Internal.

    • Results Fields: This area allows you to select which columns are shown in the search results table.

      You configure these fields the same way as the Advanced Search Fields.

    • Internal Portal Theme: This allows you to control the page theme used on internal job seeker pages. This will not apply to non-job seeker pages, such as Manage Requisitions or résumé searching.

      This option is available for Internal Job Search Options only.


      If the Hourly Portal is enabled, the Hourly Job Search Options provide search management options similar to the external and internal ones.

  2. Click Submit.

    To view the layout of the page after saving, click View This Page.